Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island

Access & Privacy

The WCB is committed to providing access to information in an open and transparent manner and ensuring that we are diligent in protecting personal privacy. As a public body, the WCB is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act. This legislation allows people to request access to WCB records and governs how the WCB collects and uses personal information.

Access to Information

If you would like a copy of your claim file, please contact your case worker. More information about this is in the policy, Access to Worker Claim Information (POL-04).

For access to other types of information, please contact us to be referred to the appropriate WCB department. If the department is unable to provide the requested information, you may submit an access to information request under the FOIPP Act.

To make a formal request for access to information, complete the online request form or submit an Access to Information form to the WCB FOIPP Coordinator at the address below.

There is a $5 fee for requests for information other than your personal information, and we will let you know if there are any other fees before we process your request.

Please note that some information is protected and under the FOIPP Act cannot be released, such as other people's personal information and confidential business information. Each request is reviewed to determine what information can be released.

Protection of Privacy

The WCB handles information to manage compensation claims, pay benefits, assist injured workers to recover and return to work, administer employer accounts and promote workplace safety. The WCB is entrusted with sensitive and personal information and we are committed to maintaining the security, privacy and accuracy of this information.

The WCB protects privacy by limiting the collection, use and disclosure of personal information to the purposes authorized by, or consistent with, the Workers Compensation Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act and other relevant legislation. We have physical, technological and administrative security measures in place to protect this information from unauthorized access and make reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information in our care. Under the FOIPP Act, you have the right to request a correction to the personal information the WCB holds about you.

If you have a concern about the WCB's protection of your personal information or would like to request a correction, please contact your case worker or the WCB FOIPP Coordinator.

Requests for Review

If you are not satisfied with the way the WCB has provided access to information or handled your personal information, please contact the WCB FOIPP Coordinator. You may also request a review by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Access and Privacy Policies and Resources


If you have any questions about access to information or privacy, please contact:

FOIPP Coordinator


902-368-5562 or toll-free 1-800-237-5049 in Atlantic Canada

Click here to read the WCB website Privacy Statement.